Task 5.1: Quality control procedures and input-output specifications (GFZ, SED-ETHZ)

The work concentrated on quality assessment and checking of the input model for seismic hazard computations. In the model building process, WP5 has a key role in asserting the QA of the input model, assuring availability of the different parts of the input model, producing the final seismic hazard model and making this available to WP2 for further work.

Hazard Model Quality Issues
Apart from paying attention to the internal quality when assembling the data, the inference of parameters such as activity rates for area sources and combined fault/background sources, depth distribution and maximum magnitude need special attention. The model values are cross-checked by moment balancing with geodetic observations and modelling (Task 3.3).

The Source Model Toolkit (SMT) currently being developed targets in particular the purpose of quality control activity rates and moment balance for the different source typologies: area sources, and combined fault / background sources.  The figure shows how moment balancing in this process works as various normalized moment rates, in this case for an area source, are displayed by within the SMT.

The seismic source zone model is also quality controlled for geometrical complexities, such as slivers and overlaps within the model. The merging process of many national source models unraveled many small parameterization issues of polygons which need to be resolved and harmonized.
