The ESHM13 will be updated within the Joint Research Activities JRA2 and JRA3 of SERA Project ( For further information please follow the Sera Project news and events.
August 24-29, 2014, Istanbul: 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
SHARE together with the ongoing regional programs EMME and EMCA contributing to the GEM initiative host a joint session with the title "Cross border harmonized sesimc hazard and risk assessment: results, lessons learned and future challenges". Prof. D. Giardini will present a theme lecture on the session topics during the 2ECEE.
May 27, April 2014: SHARE result presentation at combined meeting of the Austrian, German and Swiss Earthquake Engineering Associations (Frankfurt a.M.)
SHARE results and its importance for the update of the national seismic hazard maps will be outlined.
May 22, 2014: SHARE result presentation at AFPS (Paris)
SHARE results will be presented to the French Association of Earthquake Engineers.
April 3, 2014: SHARE Hazard Computation Input Files Released
SHARE released the input files to compute the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model with the OpenQuake v1.0 engine via the Portal of European Facility for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (EFEHR,
November 25, 2013: European Seismic Hazard Map 2013
A0 maps and printouts are available from now on. For downloads and poster requests please refer to the menu item European Seismic Hazard Map.
SHARE summary brochure:
SHARE has released a summary brochure with all important information.
For questions and comments on SHARE please contact Dr. L. Danciu.