Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe

Project Scope
SHARE was a Collaborative Project in the Cooperation programme of the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission. SHARE's main objective was to provide a community-based seismic hazard model for the Euro-Mediterranean region with update mechanisms. The project aims to establish new standards in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) practice by a close cooperation of leading European geologists, seismologists and engineers.
Project Status: Ended in 2013
SHARE successfully delivered a pan Euro-Mediterranean probabilistic seismic hazard assessment across multiple disciplines spanning from geology to seismology and earthquake engineering. The project built a framework for integration across national borders, compiled relevant earthquake and fault data, and developed a sustainable, high-impact authoritative community-based hazard model assembled by seeking extensive expert elicitation and participation through multiple community feedback procedures.

Project Achievements
The 2013 Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM13) consists of more than sixty time-independent grouns motion hazard maps for various spectral ordinates from PGA to 4 seconds and exceedance probabilities ranging from 10-1 to 10-4 yearly probability. The hazard values are referenced to a rock velocity of vs30=800m/s. ESHM13 models consists of earthquakes modelled as area sources, acrive faults and smoothed background seismicity and includes all events with magnitudes MW≥4.5 in the computation of hazard values. ESHM13 introduces an innovative weighting scheme that reflects the importance of the input data sets considering their time horizon, thus emphasizing the geologic knowledge for products with longer time horizons and seismological data for shorter ones.

The outrech materials (offical poster, brochoures) of the project are available at: 

How to Cite

SHARE Project: Giardini, D., Woessner J. , Danciu L., (2014) Mapping Europe’s Seismic Hazard. EOS, 95(29): 261-262.

ESHM13 models and results: Woessner, J., Danciu L., D. Giardini and the SHARE consortium (2015), The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and results, Bull. Earthq. Eng., doi:10.1007/s10518-015-9795-1. 

Data and illustration: Giardini D. et al., (2013), Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe (SHARE): Online Data Resource, doi: 10.12686/SED-00000001-SHARE, 2013.

Poster: Giardini D., Woessner J. , Danciu L. , Crowley H. , Cotton F. , Grünthal G. , Pinho R., Valensise L. and the SHARE consortium (2013) European Seismic Hazard Map for Peak Ground Acceleation, 10% Exceedance Probabilities in 50 years, doi: 10.2777/30345, ISBN-13, 978-92-79-25148-1.

  • SHARE consortium members
  • Seismotectonic map of the Euro-Mediterranean area (WP 3)
  • Area Source Model geometry colored by tectonic regimes.
  • SHARE European Earthquake Catalog: All events of MW≥3.5.
  • SHARE European Earthquake Catalog: All events of MW≥6.0.
  • Fault Source and Background Model. Faults colored by  slip rate.
  • Euro-Mediterranean strain rate map with superposed faults colored by slip rate.
  • European Seismic Hazard Map: PGA, 475y return period
  • European Seismic Hazard Map: PGA, 975y return period
  • European Seismic Hazard Map: 4975y return period
  • Annual moment release of  M0(N(Mw≥5)) of the SEIFA model. Scale is logarithmic.