
SHARE has seven main objectives. SHARE will: 

  1. Build a framework for integration across disciplines, by involving participants, competences and experts spanning all fields from earthquake engineering to geology to engineering seismology, and for integration across national borders, to compile earthquake data and assess seismic hazard without the burden of political constraints and administrative boundaries. An authoritative community model will be assembled by seeking extensive expert elicitation and participation, and through community feedback.
  2. Pursue best practices and high standards in all aspects of seismic hazard assessment, from data collection to the computational framework.
  3. Cover the whole Euro-Mediterranean area (in this phase for the Mediterranean the Maghreb countries to the West and Turkey to the East are inlcuded, not the Near East and Red Sea areas).
  4. Develop the appropriate computational infrastructure as well as rigorous procedures to qualify and validate all components of the hazard, as a basis for longevity and continuous improvement of a dynamic model ready to incorporate the most recent developments from science and engineering.
  5. Maintain a direct connection to the Eurocode 8 applications and the definition of the Nationally Determined Parameters, through the participation of the CEN/TC250/SC8 committee in the definition of the output specification requirements and in the hazard validation.
  6. Produce direct outputs for risk assessment, enabling the European participation in the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) initiative.
  7. Focus on the effective dissemination of hazard tools and results.